Bueno, actualizo asi rapido, creo que voy poner 2 videos y una cancion aparte de la foto, y nada finde semana descansadito despues de una semana de imprevistos que no me hicieron ninguna gracia y solo acabaron mas con mi paciencia y nada mas, almenos el viernes paso algo que me gusto al final del dia, luego fin de semana tranquilito como el proximo, donde solo dormire y dormire y dormire ya que me gusta estar en cama ultimamente, ver dibujos y tar entre las sabanas mola, no se que mas decir, que tengo poca paciencia y no muchas ganas de aguantar gilipolleces la verdad ya el martes toca la dermatologa y acabare de muy pero que muy mal humor como siempre asique puff a saber. Bueno pongo una cancion y 2 videos, primero un video, luego otra y debajo la cancion, al tema pues.
Empezamos con un opening de Naruto que me gusta mucho:
2º Nine Inch Nails - Capital G
I pushed the button and elected him to office and a
He pushed the button and he dropped the bomb
You pushed the button and could watch in on the television
Those motherf**kers didn't last too long
I'm sick of hearing about the have and have not's
Have some personal accountability
The biggest problem with the way that we are doing things is
The more we let you have the less that I'll be keeping for me
Well I use to stand for something
Well I'm on my hands and knees
Turning in my god for this one
and he signs his name with a capital G
Don't give a shit about the temperature in Guatemala
Don't really see what all the fuss is about
Ain't gonna worry about no future generations
And I'm sure somebody's gonna figure it out
Don't try to tell me that some power can corrupt a person
You hadn't had enough to know what its like
Your only angry cause you wish you were in my position
Now nod your head cause you know that I'm right..alright!
Well I use to stand for something
But forgot what that could be
Theres a lot of me inside you
Maybe your afraid to see
Well I use to stand for something
Well I'm on my hands and knees
Turning in my god for this one
and he signs his name with a capital G
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